Happy July 4, 2020

Happy July 4, 2020

It's a new year! Well for me it is—I track much of my work to Microsoft's fiscal year and also their MVP annual renewal on July 1.

I am humbled and blessed to be re-awarded as Microsoft MVP for the 17th time!

Brian Randell - 17 MVP Awards

According to Microsoft ...

"Twenty five years ago, Microsoft recognized the contributions of 34 community leaders who freely helped others make the most of their technology, launching the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award. Today, around 4,000 MVPs are helping tens of thousands of Microsoft customers discover and learn about our technologies each day in more than 90 countries/regions."

I've have an extended family for great friends in the MVP community. I salute each and every one of them!

Lots of MVPs (showing the GitHub avatar)

As we move forward living in this pandemic, I've had to come to terms with not traveling for shows live VSLIVE.

So, I'm working to "get out more" digitally here and other places like the podcast I host with Mickey Goussetdevops.fm. Stop by and have a listen.

devops.fm logo

As always if you want to reach me I'm on Twitter as @brianrandell.

Thanks, stay safe and be good humans.

Brian A. Randell

Brian A. Randell

Husband. Dad of 2. Son. Brother. Developer. ALM/DevOps Consultant. Former-MSFT MVP. Writer. Love fast cars & hard rocking music. ///M Power. Love cuddles with my kids.