Staying Current with Windows 10-2019 Update

Staying Current with Windows 10-2019 Update

As I sit here in 2019 working, I'm updating a variety of real and virtual machines. And due to a number of issues (Native VHD boot aka "boot to VHD"), I'm still running older versions of Windows 10 and Server 2016.

Thankfully, I'm not still running Windows XP. But I do need to keep some of these "older" machines current.

Back in August 2017, I posted about finding updates. For my own sanity, I'm doing a fresh post with a fresh set of links to make it easier to check on updates.

It helps me and I hope it helps you.

Windows 10 1809 and Windows Server 2019

Windows 10 1607 and Server 2016

Windows 10 1803

Windows 10 1709

Windows 10 1703

Brian A. Randell

Brian A. Randell

Husband. Dad of 2. Son. Brother. Developer. ALM/DevOps Consultant. MSFT MVP. Writer. Love fast cars & hard rocking music. ///M Power. Love cuddles with my kids.